Tim dragged us to the Museum of Natural History today. I was nervous about how Lucy would handle it, but she was a champ. She napped on the subway and woke up ready to go!

Can kangaroos nurse while they're wearing their babies? I can!

Games with Daddy!
Tim really wanted to see the giant whale. But the whale section was closed for a special event, so we saw dinosaurs...
Tim really wanted to see the giant whale. But the whale section was closed for a special event, so we saw dinosaurs...

And...something with curly horns.

We walked through the Asian and African Peoples exhibits, looking for some babywearing mamas, but couldn't find any. Really, women didn't babywear in Asia and Africa? Speaking of which, my mom just got Lucy a baby book with pictures of babywearing around the world. It makes my heart happy! And Lucy likes to read it on the potty.
Lucy had so much fun at the museum! This is the first field trip she's been on that she seemed to appreciate. She kept trying to dive out of my arms to get closer to the exhibits. We let her stand up at a few exhibits, and she banged on the glass with so much excitement. She even gave her biggest seal of approval--a super fast arm bounce while yelling "yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!"
So we didn't see any whales, but we had a great time.
So we didn't see any whales, but we had a great time.
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